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Santa Lucía de Tirajana

Santa Lucía de Tirajana is a municipality that is located southeast of Gran Canaria and that is divided by the historical-cultural offer of the interior zone, and the most tourist its littoral part. Precisely on the coast is the Pozo Izquierdo beach, a very windy area that makes it ideal for windsurfing. If we go into the municipality we should visit the Caldera de Tirajana where the Barranco of the same name is born, and where the towns of Santa Lucia and San Bartolomé are located

In the town of Santa Lucia de Tirajana is the Church of Santa Lucia, built on what was centuries ago the first hermitage that was dedicated to the Saint. However, the village is known as "Ansite Fortress", a volcanic complex in which important archaeological remains and aboriginal caves have been found.


Places of interest

  • The best of Santa Lucía de Tirajana (4)
  • Created by our users (4)

Explore Santa Lucía de Tirajana

1 route proposal in Santa Lucía de Tirajana

Route by Gran Canaria, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Tafira Alta and more
Cines en Gran Canaria
38 km

List of movie theaters on the island of Gran Canaria.

1Events in Santa Lucía de Tirajana
